
Are you ready to uncover the root cause of your health issues?

Why Integrative Health?

Integrative Health combines several approaches to provide a strong foundation for optimal health.

Here are the areas that I focus on in my practice –


The foods we eat affect our gut microbiome. Poor gut health can lead to digestive issues, fatigue, and low mood. To restore balance to your gut microbiome, we will work to eliminate inflammation, bacterial overgrowth, or food sensitivities.


There are several benefits of exercise, including improved mood, energy, and sleep. You’ll receive a customized exercise plan that supports your current ability and allows you to gradually work your way up to improve your overall fitness level.

Stress Reduction

Cortisol is a stress hormone that increases inflammation in the body. We will identify sources of stress (internal and external) and work on reducing their effect on the body.

Toxin Removal

There are thousands of toxins hidden in daily products. You will complete a functional medicine detox to eliminate toxins from the body, and learn about product alternatives to reduce exposure.


In order to repair the body, you must take in more energy than you give out. You will also learn healthy habits that support deep sleep.


Although a healthy diet can support balanced vitamin and mineral levels, it is not always enough. Functional lab testing allows us to identify nutrient deficiencies and toxicities. We will work to correct these imbalances through nutritional supplementation.

Test, Don’t Guess!

Eliminate the guesswork with functional lab testing. There is a root cause behind your symptoms. Functional lab testing provides you with data that identifies imbalances in the body that contribute to symptoms. I provide lab testing consultations and provide recommendations that are easy to understand.

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